1 Start 2 Complete Become a buddy * Yes Do you want a new friend to help him around the city and all the matters such as: Finding a house? Giving him/her a tour around Constanta? Introduce him/her to other international students and to nice places to hang out? Introduce him/her to all the ESN Constanta activities that will happen during the next semester? Since your buddy will be an international student, you will get the chance to find out about all the particularities of another lifestyle. Sounds great, right? If the answers are ”yes”, click below and fill in the form! Terms and conditions * Yes Click here to indicate that you have read and agree to the terms presented in the Terms and Conditions agreement. Name and Surname * E-mail address * Phone number * Where do you study? * "Ovidius" University of Constanta "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy "Andrei Saguna" University of Constanta Maritime University of Constanta I am not a student anymore Highschool Highschool Where did you study? Faculty What language(s) do you speak? * What are your hobbies? * You and your friends are planning your free time. What do you want to do? Sing at a karaoke club See a movie Stay at home Go to the library It really doesn't matter Walk around the sea A super cool fashion store What is your favorite food? * Kebab Pizza A sandwhich Pasta Anything exotic Sarmale Salad What do you like most? * Dogs Cats Both Other Other What do you love most about yourself? * When I talk, people ALWAYS listen! Everybody loves me! I'm kind. I'm very smart! I don't know. Everything! What sports do you like? For how many students would you accept to become buddy? (maximum) *
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