Tell us about yourself * I Erasmus/International Student in Constantaa participant to an event organized by ESN Constanta When and how did you hear about ESN Constanta? * Select By e-mail from Buddy Coordinator From Google/ social media From a friend while I was in my home city From another Erasmus+ student while I was in Constanta Another answer On what national events have you participated? * Halloween in Transylvania National Erasmus Games Escape to Vama Veche How would you rate this event/s? * From 1 to 5, where 1 means "I totally disliked it" and 5 means "I really enjoyed it" What was your favorite event? (Local or National) * Was any event that you didn't like? * Tell us details. On what event have you participated? * How would you rate it? * From 1 to 5, where 1 means "I totally disliked it" and 5 means "I really enjoyed it" Which type of events should we organize more in the future? * Social events (Donations, visits to orphanages, etc.) Trips Parties Sport Events Cultural Events Other option Suggestions * Comments and recommendations * What is the name of your mobility programme? (Erasmus, EVS, CEEPUS, etc) * Tell us the period of your mobility * In which University and Faculty do you study (here in Constanta)? * How helpful was your Erasmus Coordinator? (not at all 1 – 5 a lot) * 1 2 3 4 5 How can your Erasmus Coordinator do a better job in the future? * How much did the Erasmus Office (from Constanta) help you before you came to Constanta? * 1 2 3 4 5 How much did the Erasmus Office (from Constanta) help you when you just arrived and during the academic year? (not at all 1 – 5 a lot) * 1 2 3 4 5 How can the Erasmus Office (from Constanta) do a better job in the future? * Did you stay in the dormitory that the University offered to you? * Yes No How much did you like it? (not at all 1 – 5 a lot) * 1 2 3 4 5 Would you recommend it? Why? * Can you explain your choice? * If you stayed in a flat, do you want to give us any kind of usual information? * (like the communication with the Real Estate Agency, the price, the location, etc) Was ESNcard useful? * How can we improve the esncard programme? * Was your buddy volunteer helpful? * YES NO I didnt have a buddy Who was your buddy? * How he/she helped you? * How can he/she do a better job in the future? * What could ESN do to help Erasmus students more? * (with documents, rent, language, advice,etc) Have you visited our website at any point in time? If yes, do you have any suggestions? * Are you planning to be an ESN volunteer? * Yes No I am an ESNer I am not sure How would you rate the Buddy System overall? * - Select -12345 From 1 to 5, where 1 means "I totally disliked it" and 5 means "I really enjoyed it" How much did you interact with ESN volunteers? * - Select -12345 (not at all 1 – 5 a lot) How would you rate the esncard programme overall? * - Select -12345 (1 means very bad and 5 means very good)
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